I love my country!

I love my country! Unabashedly. Wholeheartedly. Warts and all. How could I not? You see, I was a war baby, conceived when my dashing sailor/father came home on a brief leave from the South Pacific during World War II. Nine...

Tell. Teach. Involve

If you aren’t a fan of “Undercover Boss” you should be. The premise is that the CEO of a major corporation gets into disguise and heads out to several of his or her business locations to see how well they...

Be A Magnet

Warren Bennis wrote the following about leaders: Where there are leaders, work is stimulating, challenging, fascinating, and fun. An essential ingredient in organizational leadership is pulling rather than pushing people toward a goal. A “pull” style of influence attracts and...

You Join a Company, but Leave a Boss

“Most of us say we want to work for a [great] company…. Let’s say you score the interview and land the job—congrats. But once you’re there, you’ll see that you don’t actually work for the company; you work for your...

First Coming by Madeleine L’Engle

He did not wait till the world was ready, till men and nations were at peace. He came when the Heavens were unsteady, and prisoners cried out for release. He did not wait for the perfect time. He came when...

Lead your people…

You can lead your people to higher levels of performance if… They understand the purpose of their work. They feel they are members of an important group. They have a sense of ownership of their work. They have high self-esteem....

Connect the Dots

I’m a puzzle aficionado. Always have been; always will be. Connect-the-dot puzzles were one of my favorites when I was young. I could guess the simpler shapes before I even put pencil to paper, but the older I got, the...

We’re All in This Together

If you refuse to give up, opportunity can arise not only from victory but also from defeat. George W. Bush from his book 41: A Portrait of My Father Like most of you, the sense of security has been knocked...

Smooth Waters Ahead

A while back, the spouse and I headed to Galveston for a last-minute getaway. Normally we stay on the Gulf coast with its seawall and beaches, but for a change of scenery, we decided to try the other side of...