Yesterday this excellent read came from Jim Daly at Focus on the Family and I couldn’t think of a better way to sum up the Christmas Season so I wanted to share: Despite what you see on commercials, Christmas isn’t...
Ah, good ol’ Clark Griswold. We all know what he is thinking . . . There are various approaches to the post-season chore of taking down Christmas decorations. Some people refuse to put them up in the first place. Others...
On a sweltering Texas day this past summer, a friend, in all seriousness, warned me that there was going to be a considerable turkey shortage come November. She had already bought hers and advised me that I’d best do the...
A PRAYER FOR LABOR DAY Lord, on this Labor Day, We thank you for the blessing of work. We ask for the strength to complete each day. We ask for rest for when we are weary. We ask for your...
I love my country! Unabashedly. Wholeheartedly. Warts and all. How could I not? You see, I was a war baby, conceived when my dashing sailor/father came home on a brief leave from the South Pacific during World War II. Nine...
Since the beginning of time man has found it difficult to learn from his mistakes. Two thousand years ago, Cicero stated, “To stumble twice against the same stone is a proverbial disgrace.” Our instinct is to justify ourselves, to cover...